(taken from the 1965 Official Program of the 66th Annual Convention of Western New York Volunteer Fireman's Association )
"In the course of History, 132 years are but a short span of time; but yet a tremendous amount of change has occurred in the past 132 years; and, in no field has this change been more pronounced than in the field of Firemanics. Indeed, 132 years represents the entire life of the Fire Service in Alexander, New York.
In 1833, history notes, in the little settlement of Alexander, a "Fire Brigade" was organized with 12 members. ( This gives rise to our claim as being one of the oldest organized fire organizations in New York State. ) "These men were equipped with leather fire buckets and axes of appropriate design." The span from this humble beginning to our present position of a modern fireproof Fire Truck Garage and 4 modern well-equipped trucks represents our life.
This evolution was gradual but occurred somewhat as follows:
1842 - Mr. Brainard, "Principal officer" was authorized to purchase a pump and 200 ft. of hose and in 1845 - a cart to carry this equipment. 1846 say the purchase of 2 ladders. Bad fires occurred in 1847, 1853, 1868, and 1870 with the first loss of life recorded in the 1870 conflagration. The fires continued to plague the community but it was not until after the very bad fire of Nov. 1917 which consumed 17 buildings that real action on better fighting equipment was taken. The first piece of motorized equipment was purchased in 1919 - a Model T Ford Chemical Truck.
1941 - saw the purchase of our first modern Fire Truck -- a 1940 Mack Pumper. Subsequent purchases include in 1948 an International 1200 gal. tank truck with pump; in 1955 a G.M.C. 500 gal. pumper with 800 gal tank; and finally in 1963 our most modern piece of fire apparatus.
This final purchase made necessary larger truck quarters and our present fireproof building at the intersection of Route 20 and Route 98 was erected. It was dedicated in April 1964.
Other recent dates of interest would necessarily include: formation of our Ladies Auxiliary in 1954, and erection of our recent Recreation Hall -- a 70' x 100' all metal building in 1959. This was enlarged in 1964 with a 40' x 70' addition so now it is 70' x 140'.
The summer of 1965 now becomes our crowning achievement with our selection as Host for the W.N.Y.V.F.A. Convention."
Since then, we have had the priviledge to be host of the Convention in 1973 for the Presidency of Jerry Buckenmeyer; in 1981 for the Presidency of Dan Kelsey; and in 1995 for the Presidency of John O'Neil. Also, this summer we are one again proud to host the Convention again for the Presidency of Sam Norris.
We at the Alexander Fire Department were also pleased to the Home Company of the 1994-1996 President of the Firemen's Association of the State of New York, Jerry Buckenmeyer ( the only Genesee County Volunteer Fireperson to ever serve in this capacity. )
With the addition of Number 7, our current rolling stock includes two pumper tankers, one tanker, and one ambulance.